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Why having a talent management strategy matters

A talent management strategy is crucial for any business. A well-defined strategy empowers an organisation to attract, develop, motivate, and retain top talent, ensuring that it has the right people...

An usual solution for unengaged employees: entrepreneurship

With Gallup reporting that only 13% of employees worldwide are actively engaged at work, costing...

What do Millennials want from their employer?

With Millennials now comprising a quarter of the world’s population and 35% of the global...

Is your Vision Statement aligned to your Purpose?

From the newest solo entrepreneur to the most established Fortune 500 company, one factor has proven...

Why your job descriptions need updating

The perception that it’s a buyer’s market, with employers holding all the bargaining...

From Friedman to Fink: Why Profit is no longer Purpose

Shortly after CEO and Chairman of BlackRock, Larry Fink, published his 2019 Letter to CEOs, the...

Why your most prized assets are intangible ones

One of the most successful taxi companies in the world doesn’t own any cars. One of the most...

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‘Right Person, Right Work’ Talent Solution

Transform your business with Kalido’s powerful skill-matching AI

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