


Our Latest Blogs

Why having a talent management strategy matters

A talent management strategy is crucial for any business. A well-defined strategy empowers an organisation to attract, develop, motivate, and retain top talent, ensuring that it has the right people...

Work smarter not harder: easy to say, hard to do

We recently discussed how employees are increasingly experiencing burnout. When raising the topic in...

Turn off your communications and start getting things done

A recent survey showed that 70% of us have email and other messaging channels open all day. Receive...

Why collaboration unlocks greatness

silo /ˈsʌɪləʊ/ verb verb: silo; 3rd person present: siloes; past tense:...

It's not better tech that will save your company, it's the personal touch

With artificial intelligence set to take over 50% of the functions in a company, discussions often...

10 tips to avoid burning out

A recent Gallup study of nearly 7,500 full-time employees found that 67% feel burned out...

Why work should be reframed as projects

Job stability is a very good thing. But job stagnation is very bad indeed. To prevent routine and...

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‘Right Person, Right Work’ Talent Solution

Transform your business with Kalido’s powerful skill-matching AI

Talent Solution